Specializing in empowering our patients choices in finding the path to their emotional and physical healing. Providing side-effect free therapies in osteopathy, physical therapy, lymphedema therapy, oncology massage, acupuncture, herbal remedies and yoga, Alternative Therapy tailors treatment plans to each patient’s individual need. Cancer attacks more than just the anatomical body. Working in tandem with allopathic practitioners, Alternative Therapy nurtures the body, mind and spirit to achieve healing from within.

Osteopathic & Physical Therapy:
Our mission at Alternative Therapy is to relieve the suffering of patients with cancer and diminish reactions to cancer treatment. Andrzej Strzalkowski, a 30 year veteran in the war on pain, administers gentle osteopathic treatment, hands-on manipulation; myofascial and energy release. These therapies reduce swelling and sooth hypersensitive responses to chemotherapy such as; nausea, joint & muscle pain, digestive issues and insomnia. Embracing advanced levels of healing, Andrzej initiates a sense of wellbeing by sharing the self-quieting techniques of meditation. Calming the emotional state of the patient promotes healing and significantly reduces recovery time.

Lymphedema Managment:
Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is a manual technique used to stimulate and redirect the static lymphatic fluid to the venous system.  The effective treatment should be performed by a certified provider.  Often this treatment is accompanied by compression bandaging, decongestive exercises and skin care for the affected area.  Alternative Therapy has the most experienced and educated lymphedema therapist in the area; Le Anne Strange.  Come in to experience relief.  

Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Therapy:
Acupuncture calms, soothes and relaxes; countering side effects of chemotherapy and radiation like nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, fatigue and insomnia. It restores balance from emotional distress following cancer treatment. Ellen Teeter offers nutritional counseling to advance healing. After radiation, herbal salves and formulas protect and soothe skin, remedy gastrointestinal distress and clears thinking; revitalizing the post treatment body.

Oncology massage is  beneficial for every stage of the cancer journey; to ease isolation and nurture the well being of the patient. Our therapists are specifically certified in oncology massage; a gentle therapy that can reduce pain, promote sleep and alleviate side effects of treatment.  MM16653

Side-effects, both physical and emotional, from cancer and treatment leave patients weak and demoralized. Gentle Yoga can stabilize immune systems, improve flexibility and reduce anxiety. Specifically tailored classes address each patient’s need while creating a safe atmosphere for peaceful warriors to share their journey to recovery.
Have a question? Contact us

Alternative Therapy
5801 Braden Run, Bradenton, FL 34202,
phone: 941-727-1500, fax: 941-727-1509
contact us: info@myalternativetherapy.net
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