Dear Andrzej,
I want to thank you for your concern about my feet. I know it comes from a true & caring place &that your intention was not simply to hurt or worry me.
I am torn right now about what to do. I want to dance (& my teacher is pushing me to get as good as I can, as fast as I can), but the danger in my feet, especially the right one, worries me & sometimes I think you are right, that I should at least slow down.
Your work has helped me so much already (& your insight & advice has also helped me) Believe me, I am truly wrestling with my passion to dance versus the concern I feel over my possible tired feet.
Don't feel bad that you had to be the one to tell me something difficult. I appreciate both the concern and the warning.

Reva, Sarasota, FL
Dear Andrzej,
Thank you for your help. The experience of therapy pokes deep into my consciousness. Every time we meet, I leave with another level of profound insight. Because of you my insides are gently changing. I want you to know that I wish I was a better student. At the same time I am grateful for the experience of "not knowing." I spend much of my day being the resource for knowing- "not knowing" is so very good. You said that you were a seeker. I see myself in this way as well. Thank you for being such a wonderful catalyst for my awakening. I am deeply grateful. Peace, Love, Forgiveness

Jayne Cobb , Bradenton, FL
What matters most is how you see yourself, Andrzej; Thank you so much for helping me see the "Lion" You're a wonderful man.

Rita Wisniewski, Bradenton, FL
Alternative Therapy
5801 Braden Run, Bradenton, FL 34202,
phone: 941-727-1500, fax: 941-727-1509
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