I just had another beyond fantastic visit with Nathalie Celcia . The deep tissue massages I have been receiving from her for many years surpass any experience I have ever experienced from anyone ! I highly recommend Alternative Therapy for any of their services as they are simply the best on the Planet. Bill

This physical therapist is amazing! What he did in two hours it’s hard to put into words.

I suffer From fibromyalgia, complex regional pain syndrome type two, intractable neck pain, chronic low back pain, arthritis, severe spinal stenosis, bilateral rotator cuff tear’s, sleep apnea, and those are just a few things that I deal with on a chronic level of pain daily.

Andrrzej is truly a gifted, holistic, intelligent, compassionate, intuitive, natural healer. He makes you feel like you’re the only person he has that day. His staff is wonderful And extremely helpful. He takes his time and works extra time if he has a cancellation or if you’re doing so well that he doesn’t want to stop. He’s truly amazing in so many ways and I’m looking forward to going back twice a week for as long as necessary. The cure…Is within you. Truly he teaches you to be patient with yourself to love yourself and to be kind to yourself❣️

Tiffany Davis, Bradenton
I am an RN that has the immense fortune to have been referred to Alternative Therapy at the request of my Neurologist.

One year ago, I suffered 3 significant strokes. This result of which at first resulted in a seizure disorder and blindness, as well as weakness on my right side.
I was very fortunate to have my eyesight gradually return, but left permanent vision loss and difficulty with coordination.

I have had the opportunity over my 25 years working in the healthcare industry; both in the hospital setting as well as the home healthcare arena, to work extensively in collaboration with different therapists treating and specializing in the recovery of stroke survivors. My experience within this field had left me with the realization that I may never work again as a result of my brain injury. With my healthcare background I am very much aware of the seriousness of my diagnosis, and I held very little hope of returning to my lifelong career as a nurse- much less ever leading a normal life as I had known it prior to the day my brain injury occurred.

That all changed for me the day I met Andrzej Strzalkowski, RPT at Alternative Therapy in Bradenton, FL...

I am giving a very heartfelt and honest review. After my very first appointment with
"Dr. S" (as I refer to him) I walked left his office With HOPE for the very first time!
I have never met anyone prior to that day
that gave me a reason to believe that I could- and WOULD recover to lead a truly productive life again. His skill set is one that
utilizes both Western and Eastern Medicine
in such a way as to bring every aspect of HEALING and health together; resulting in the most powerful techniques to allow for my body & brain to reconnect again. I realize ...and he will be most honest in telling you, too - That there is a path ahead of me that may not always be easy. But for the effort that I am willing to put forth - based on the hope that he brings through his skill set; I KNOW that "The Cure is Within Me" to lead a normal and fully functioning life once again!
I bless the day that I had the good fortune to have been referred to Alternative Therapy!

Kathleen Glover, RN, Bradenton, FL
Alternative Therapy
5801 Braden Run, Bradenton, FL 34202,
phone: 941-727-1500, fax: 941-727-1509
contact us: info@myalternativetherapy.net
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