Alternative Therapy has a calm and relaxing atmosphere with very helpful and professional staff who have expertise in many areas.

I am now continuing treatment and guidance from Andrzej. I have benefitted from improvement in overall strength and well-being because of his unique skills and experience. I’m looking forward to building on this progress with more sessions.

I also appreciate the physical therapy exercises I’ve done with LeAnne and the lymph work and targeted home exercises she has provided.

Barbara Sallee, Bradenton
Explains conditions
Refers to history
Helpful with scheduling tests
Shows concern

Jane AElse, Bradenton
I’m thanking PTA Le Anne for working with me to strengthen muscles, improve balance and reduce ankle swelling. Through programmed exercise and massage I’ve experienced improving balance, reduced pain in my knees and more energy. This is an on-going process that Is extended and reinforced through home exercises. I appreciate the tranquil environment and individual, personalized instruction.

Barbara Sallee, Bradenton, FL
Alternative Therapy
5801 Braden Run, Bradenton, FL 34202,
phone: 941-727-1500, fax: 941-727-1509
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