Your courage and expansion is an incredible inspiration to me. I thank God for you and all that you both are. With sincere appreciation of who you are and your gift to the universe - I thank you.

Shaun Hoyle, Bradenton, FL
Thank You, Andrzej and Renata, for being so nice! I am very grateful for the therapy you have provided to me. You have been very kind and patient.

Patrice, Venice, FL
Dear Renata and Andrzej,
We would like to thank you both for your compassionate response yesterday. Isaiah's family was also grateful for your help. He is feeling much better today. We love how the members of our community reach out in times of need. This was definitely one of those times for us and for Isaiah. If there is anything you ever need from us, just ask. We are here for you!
We appreciate your family and are thankful to have you in our community.

Robin, Carol and Mandy, Bradenton, Florida
Alternative Therapy
5801 Braden Run, Bradenton, FL 34202,
phone: 941-727-1500, fax: 941-727-1509
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